Erasmus+ project
Coordinator : E-Juniors (France)
Duration : January 2020 – December 2021
Partners: Markeut Skills Sociedad Limitada (Spain), Asociacion Valencia Inno Hub (Spain), Danmar Computers SP Zoo (Poland), ConsorzioMaterahubIndustrieCulturali e Creative (Italy)
Objective: SUSTRAINY has as main objective to foster sustainable initiatives undertaken by youth, providing them with comprehensive tools which will helpthem in the implementation of sustainable projects. Those tools are:
– Sustainability guidelines, a complete didactic manual explaining what the main concepts are to be mastered regarding sustainable management
– A diagnostic tool focused on sustainable competences evaluation, which will give youth a perspective of their existing knowledge.
– A panorama of sustainable best practices, which will show examples of successful initiatives and intends to be a source of inspiration offering youthconcrete solutions to sustainable challenges.
Final press release January 2022